What is pcn.global?
pcn.global is a database for smartPCN datasets developed and operated by us; it allows easy, efficient and automatic PCN/PDN notifications to be digitally received, read, matched and relevant components to be automatically identified.
pcn.global is the basis for digital PCN management and professional processing of obsolescence cases in one tool set, based on IEC 62402:2019 & VDMA 24903.
We create the standards of the future
smartPCN : The digital standard for om.cockpit and its tools.
Conventional PCNs/PDNs come in different formats and layouts, but they have one thing in common: they have to be read and manually compared with their bills of material.
smartPCN smartPCN is a digital format, standardized in the VDMA standard sheet 24903, which can be used for all types of changesand discontinuations of components, materials, electronic electronic controls, documents, mechanical components or software. The standard is further developed into an international standard. The smartPCN format is free and non-proprietary. A number of manufacturers are already making their PCNs/PDNs available as a smartPCN.
The smartPCN was developed by the COGD (Component Obsolescence Group Deutschland) e.V., a chapter of the IIOM (International Institut of Obsolescence Management).
We are business partner of COGD and actievly involved in the development and maintenanceot the smartPCN standard as well as playing a significant role in its further development into an international standard.
smartPCN is a registered trademark of COGD and is used with permission of COGD.

pcn.global and its products are trademarks of D+D+M Daten- und Dokumentations-Management GmbH & Co. KG (DDM).
DDM was founded in 2003 by Mr. Siegfried Heinbach.
In 2007, Dr.- Ing. Wolfgang Heinbach joined the executive board of the family business, and in 2012 he took over the management of the company.
In 2011, Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Heinbach founded GMP German
Machine Parts GmbH & Co. KG, to meet our customers’ growing demand for spare parts management and obsolescence management.
The idea for pcn.global, a database for smartPCN data sets that makes it possible to read and compare PCNs (product change notifications) digitally in a simple and efficient way and to identify relevant components, originated in 2016 through our COGD membership.
Today we have more than 40 employees and are well positioned to provide our customers with the best service day after day.
In 2022 after 15 years due to age Dr. Wolfgang Heinbach
handed over the management to four long-time employees in order to give the company into younger and experienced hands and to further develop the business for future requirements.
The new directors and owners are:
Christin Beck, Robert Juricic, Wolfgang Lammers and Alexander Schultheisz
More info to follow.